Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lung Cancer Cases on Smokers

Smoking - Lung Cancer Facts

The topics of smoking and lung cancer (primary carcinoma of the lung) are well documented. One of the most critical facts about lung cancer is that smoking is themajor cause. Tobacco smoke also causes chronic lung disease and contributes to cancer of the bladder, pancreas, and kidney.

Smoking - Lung Cancer Facts

The topics of smoking and lung cancer (primary carcinoma of the lung) are well documented. One of the most critical facts about lung cancer is that smoking is THE major cause. Tobacco smoke also causes chronic lung disease and contributes to cancer of the bladder, pancreas, and kidney.

Cancer Stages

Lung cancer normally takes many years to develop. Incidence tends to peaks between the ages of 55 and 65 years. The changes in the lung however can begin almost as soon as a person is exposed to carcinogenic chemicals.

Soon after exposure begins, a few abnormal cells may appear in the lining of the bronchi (the main breathing tubes). Gradually as you continue your exposure to these substances, more abnormal cells appear. Some will become cancerous and tumour forming.

If you stop smoking however, the risk of lung cancer decreases. Year on year, abnormal cells are replaced by normal cells. After ten years, the risk drops to a level that is one-third to one-half of the risk for people who continue to smoke. Quitting smoking greatly reduces the risk of developing other smoking-related diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, emphysema and chronic bronchitis but there are many more  benefits of quitting smoke. 

Key Facts About Lung Cancer
  • Primary carcinoma of the lung is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women.
  • It accounts for approximately 32% of cancer deaths in men and 25% in women.
  • Current or former cigarette smokers make up approximately 90% of patients with lung cancer.
  • Men who smoke one pack a day increase their risk 10 times compared with non-smokers.
  • Men who smoke two packs a day increase their risk more than 25 times compared with non-smokers.
  • The more you smoke and the longer you smoke, the greater your risk.
  • Of the 180,000 people diagnosed in the United States alone each year, 86% will die within 5 years of diagnosis.
  • Chemicals and compounds in tobacco smoke make it cancerous and the cause of other harmful health effects of smoking.
Different Types of Lung Cancer

There are two major types of lung cancer:
  • Non-small cell lung cancer - consists of 3 types:
    • Squamous cell carcinoma
    • Ademocarcinoma and
    • Large cell carcinoma
  • Small cell lung cancer also called oat cell cancer. It usually spreads to different parts of the body more quickly than non-small cell and accounts for about 20% of all lung cancer

The cells of all living organisms normally divide and grow in a controlled manner. Cancer results when this control process is lost. A lump or tumour, known as the primary tumour can grow locally or spread to produce secondary tumours somewhere else in the body. This spreading process is called metastasis.
About 40,000 people in the UK die every year from lung cancer. It is the most common form of cancer in the UK and the most common cause of death from cancer in both men and women although it affects more men than women.

What causes lung cancer?

Tobacco smoke is the primary cause of lung cancer. Although nonsmokers can get lung cancer, the risk is about 10 times greater for smokers and is also increased by the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
If you are a heavy smoker consuming more than 20 cigarettes a day, the risk of developing lung cancer is about 30 to 40 times higher than if you don't smoke.
The main reason for the substantial increase in the disease over the last 50 years has been the increase in the number of people who smoke cigarettes. This has resulted from the industrial production and marketing of tobacco.
The risk of lung cancer in an ex-smoker falls to the same level as a nonsmoker after about 15 years.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

When symptoms occur, lung cancer is often advanced. Warning signs include:
  • Chronic cough
  • Persistent cough
  • Chest pain
  • Coughing up blood
  • An increase in mucous production
  • Wheezing (Noisy breathing)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bronchitis
  • Hoarseness
  • Pneumonia
  • Weight loss & loss of appetite
If you smoke or have been a smoker you are in a high risk category. Bear in mind these are also characteristic signs of many other lung problems. So the best advice would be to see a doctor to find out the cause.

Tests and Diagnosis

Lung cancer can be readily identified by a simple chest x-ray, or a more specialised type of x-ray known as a CT scan. So if you are concerned, ASK for one.
When you go for a doctor's examination, you are likely to be asked many questions about your medical history, including questions about possible exposure to hazardous substances. Other leading causes of lung cancer are work related exposures - through substances like asbestos, uranium, arsenic, and certain petroleum products.
Further tests and biopsies (samples taking) may be necessary. For example is you are experiencing increased mucuos production.
If cancer is found, it may not always be curable, but every cancer is treatable. If left untreated however, it can spread to the brain, liver, bone, and lymph nodes.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

When symptoms occur, lung cancer is often advanced. Warning signs include:

  • Chronic cough
  • Persistent cough
  • Chest pain
  • Coughing up blood
  • An increase in mucous production
  • Wheezing (Noisy breathing)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bronchitis
  • Hoarseness
  • Pneumonia
  • Weight loss & loss of appetite

If you smoke or have been a smoker you are in a high risk category. Bear in mind these are also characteristic signs of many other lung problems. So the best advice would be to see a doctor to find out the cause.

Tests and Diagnosis

Lung cancer can be readily identified by a simple chest x-ray, or a more specialised type of x-ray known as a CT scan. So if you are concerned, ASK for one.

When you go for a doctor's examination, you are likely to be asked many questions about your medical history, including questions about possible exposure to hazardous substances. Other leading causes of lung cancer are work related exposures - through substances like asbestos, uranium, arsenic, and certain petroleum products.

Further tests and biopsies (samples taking) may be necessary. For example is you are experiencing increased mucuos production.

If cancer is found, it may not always be curable, but every cancer is treatable. If left untreated however, it can spread to the brain, liver, bone, and lymph nodes.

Lung Cancer Treatment

Treatment for lung cancer will vary from person to person depedending on a variety of factors:

  • Current health
  • Type, size and location of cancer
  • Whether or not tumor has spread

The most effective treatment plans for lung cancer related to smoking normally start with an action plan to quite smoke.

  • Quitting removes the major cause of the cancer and makes both treatment and prevention of new cancer development more effective.
  • Quit smoking products and aids can help Zyban, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

After quitting smoking, standard curative treatment is the next step. These are: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these methods, called combination therapy.


Surgery is generally used in limited stages of disease and may cure lung cancer by removing the tumour and relieving it's symptoms. The extent of the surgery may involve removing part of a lobe, a whole lobe, or the entire lung.

Some tumors cannot be removed because of their size or location.

Radiation Therapy

This is a form of external x-ray that kills cancer cells. It is used to relieve pain and tumour symptoms and eliminate or decrease the size of the tumor itself.

is the use of medication, to decrease the size of tumor or eliminate cancer. Treatment may be in the form of pills, injections or catheter (drip).

end result of these treatments is largely beneficial. Unfortunately there are likely to be side effects. You should consult your doctor to see which are most likely to affect you.


  • As we have seen - cigarette smoke is the major cause of lung cancer (primary carcinoma of the lung).
  • If you are a non-smoker, speak up for a smoke-free environment at home, work and  public places.
  • Don't smoke - smoking increases your risk from many occupational exposure
This photo of lung cancer is of Squamous cell carcinoma arising centrally in the lung.

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